Advance Search

Please note the word ‘partner’. Third party recruitment only succeeds if the employer and recruiter work closely together. Excellent communication levels need to exist between both parties.

We will assume you are recruitment ready

You have decided to fully or partially outsource your recruitment, here are a few tips:

Horses for Courses

You may need agencies with different skill sets for different purposes. A High Street agency may be suitable for temporary labour but are unlikely to help with national or international placement issues. A general recruiter may not be as good as a specialist. You need to decide what suits your needs best as well as following your instincts.

Preferred Supply v a Market Approach

Many employers go the PSL approach (Preferred Supplier List) to cut down on market contact and the effort needed to keep communication effective. It can work if your recruitment needs are straightforward but can become sterile if you need complex support. We think you need to maintain flexibility and go with the recruiter that offers the best solutions.

The internet is your friend

Today there is no excuse for poor research. The internet is an essential tool for all recruiters but you need to look beyond the immediate search. If the listing in is pink they have bought that position. If in white they have won that position due to organic presence on the net. Carry out a series of searches and then actually look at the website. Is it up to date? Does it have useful content? Does it have a good volume of candidates and jobs?  Lastly are you comfortable with the apparent professionalism of the organisation.

Run a test

There is no better way to find out about an agency than to run a test. This can be done in a numerous ways. Send a job description and see how they react. Ask for some input and see how supportive they are. Ask for a call back, do they bother?

Ask for a quote

If a recruiter quotes without information run a mile, it’s unprofessional. If the recruiter asks for more information it’s a good sign. They really want to understand your business and become a supportive partner.


If you are seduced by the lowest price then you could be buying problems. You should look at the value a recruiter brings and the costs of having unfilled vacancies.

Trusted By

  • DB
  • Jaguar
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  • wf