Skills Provision specialise in placing international job seekers into meaningful employment positions. Our popular website is visited by employers from around the world. To take advantage of our website please produce a compelling, accurate and interesting profile and keep it up to date.
We wish all those seeking new employment the very best of luck.
Wow, other recruiters treated me as a nobody, but not Skills Provision. They are very professional, kind, and were the perfect companion throughout the selection process. I am grateful to all of them. - Ana
I'm aware of how complex and time-consuming international contracts can be.
Recently, I was selected as a tutor/nanny in Saudi Arabia. Nisma’s guidance and communication throughout the application process were constant. Her answers, mediation, and clarification were immediate and effective on legal, professional and financial subjects. - Natalia
After registration we request a copy of your CV, here are a few guidelines:
Follow Francesca and the Team showcasing work opportunities and people
For further information on our international agency and available workers please contact us today (click here)
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