
Recruitment in Jordan Audio

Skills Provision actively supports businesses in Jordan.

Whilst there are problems in the Middle East region, these are offset by many positives, a few of which are corporate wealth and prosperity plus worker opportunity. In recent years Jordan has witnessed remarkable growth, internationally this is seen by the large numbers of expat workers taking up employment positions.

As a leading supplier of manpower services to the Middle East Skills Provision is ideally placed to assist businesses in Jordan.

The main areas of employment we support include:

For us at Skills Provision sourcing highly suitable workers goes way beyond matching candidate credentials to a job description. We need to be sure first and foremost a hired person is capable of delivery. Jordan has a harsh working environment, especially for those carrying out physical tasks. Our recruitment specialists take into account many subjects and considerations before moving candidates forward into our unique Client Zones.

To move forward from here all we require are:

Armed with this information our team of international recruitment specialists will be able to produce a comprehensive placement plan.

To move forward from here simply email our support team at or utilise our website form. A member of our team will be on-hand to deal with your enquiry.

We look forward to hearing from you and supporting your business in the future.
