Engineering Recruitment Agencies

If you are searching for engineering recruitment agencies, Skills Provision may have the perfect solution.


Engineering Recruitment


The engineering sector is not as popular as it once was. Salary reductions, long-term training and harsh working conditions have stemmed the flow of young workers. Add to that the loss of government sponsored apprenticeship schemes. It is doubtful current global shortages will clear anytime soon.

Engineering companies know first-hand how difficult it is to source and retain top quality operatives.

Because of our first-class track record and extensive international reach many employers are turning to us as the last resort.

Our most common engineering contracts are:

We also offer a contract hire service where manpower is employed by Skills Provision and outsourced to the employer. This is an ideal solution where employers want to concentrate on running their business and not get involved in the complications surrounding direct hire. Please note we only take on contact hire solutions when our strict criteria is met. If you would like further details, please discuss this directly with one of our consultants.

Regardless of the requirement, be that a solitary engineer or a large team, we will have a solution. Our large database of available engineers is a strong resource.

Following initial contact one of our recruitment consultants will request a job description, please make sure this document is accurate and comprehensive.

If you would like more information on our engineering recruitment services please email or utilise one of our website forms. A member of our Support Team will be on-hand to deal with your enquiry in a prompt, professional and confidential manner.
