Skills Provision is a specialist overseas employment agency supplying top-quality full-time workers. We are dedicated to connecting job seekers with meaningful roles, around the globe.
Our cutting-edge technology, backed by a comprehensive database of available candidates, enables us to source and place workers with ease.
Job Seekers If you’re interested in working abroad, we encourage you to register on our website as soon as possible. Please follow these guidelines:
Once validated, your entry will be rewarded with a personalised online profile. These pages are frequently viewed by employers, generating numerous enquiries.
Employers If you require full-time skilled or unskilled labour, we recommend contacting our agency at your earliest convenience. Whether you need individual workers or larger groups, we have the expertise and capability to meet your requirements. All we need from you is:
If your business is facing manpower challenges, contact our overseas employment agency today. You can reach us by emailing or by using this form on our website.
For further information on our international agency and available workers please contact us today (click here)
BackIf you are interested in new employment opportunities please register on our website (click here)