If your company is searching for new, full-time workers you have come to the right place.
Skills Provision specialise in the supply of suitably skilled workers, regardless of locational constraints. As manpower shortages continue to hinder the growth and prosperity of businesses around the world, our team of experts have become efficient at widening recruitment nets. The aim, as always, is to source the most suitable manpower.
Our starting point is a simple question, one we put to all new prospective clients. “Are you ready to recruit”? Most companies answer, yes, invariably it’s a no. However, after an initial consultation session with one of our experts, companies are ready to move forward. The next step is submitting a job description, armed with this important document, quotes can be submitted, and the recruitment process can start in earnest.
It would be fair to say businesses with a low manpower churn are recruiting more effectively than those with a high rate. At Skills Provision we work hard on client retention, therefore it is imperative the right manpower is sourced and selected.
Popular sectors include:
Skills Provision specialise in the supply of all workers, from the high echelons of management to low-skilled operatives, from individual workers to large teams. Each task is given the same attention and prioritisation.
All new clients are allotted a recruitment manager, this helps with continuity and understanding exactly how each business operates.
If you require permanent workers for your company, please email enquires@skills-provision.com or fill out our online form.
For further information on our international agency and available workers please contact us today (click here)
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