If your business is in Portugal, and you need highly suitable, pre-screened candidates, you have come to the right place.
Skills Provision has a professional and dedicated team focused on delivering the very best employment solutions. Our recruiters, copywriters and account managers are among the best in the industry.
Francesca Bailey, Head of Operations stated. “My team of recruitment specialists that cover Portugal have the capability, tools, and experience to source manpower from national and international markets. Whatever the requirement or numbers involved we will meet all deadlines”.
At Skills Provision there is no such thing as the perfect assignment, each one offers individual challenges and only by selecting high-impact manpower, who display loyalty and commitment will our services be considered cost-effective and company-transforming.
Our services in Portugal are broken down into 5 key areas:
These subjects and our technical systems will be explained during a 15-minute visual presentation, where a senior executive will explain in detail why Skills Provision is the most suitable agency for Portuguese companies desperate for new manpower.
The fees charged, incentives offered and safeguards in place are all covered in our Pricing Policy.
To find out if we are the best agency to support your company going forward, please email enquiries@skiills-provision.com or use this website form. Please note, all enquiries are dealt with promptly and in a professional and strictly confidential manner.
We look forward to hearing from you.
For further information on our international agency and available workers please contact us today (click here)
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