Sourcing International Recruitment Consultants

In the early days we had a vision, it was to supply online recruitment services to the global market. Operating without the restriction of physical boundaries. This marked the birth of Skills Provision.



Today our vision has become a reality, we lead the way in providing international recruitment consultants. Their mandate is a simple one, to support the employer in their pursuit of sourcing suitably qualified labour, people who will make a real difference when they arrive in post.

It would be fair to say, by fully utilising the online medium, we have changed the face of recruitment.

Areas we specialise in:

  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Care
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Information Technology
  • Aviation
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Energy
  • Hospitality

Employers choose Skills Provision because they are assured of a professional service, one that delivers motivated skilled or un-skilled labour, directly into the workplace.

Companies that have hired our international recruitment consultants have witnessed a dramatic reduction in their manpower churn. It is a fact, corporate growth can be attained by placing the right people into the right jobs.

Chris Slay, the Managing Director of Skills Provision states: “Our international recruitment consultants are the cornerstone of our enterprise. The support they give to the employer is immeasurable. I am proud to lead this team forward. Effective recruitment is all about delivery and in that regard, we are setting the pace”.

If you would like to discuss the services please contact the Support Team via email or fill out one of our website forms.
